Soil health and nutrient management
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Research outcomes: Soil health is improved with a resulting positive impact on the environment and yield growth. Improved reputation and relationship between industry and environmental groups.
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Item Does ratoon age impact on N-fertiliser requirements in the Wet Tropics? : ASSCT poster paper(ASSCT, 2019) Skocaj, DM; Schroeder, BL; Park, G; Hurney, APItem Effect of long-term application of potassium on sugarcane and soil properties in the Herbert River district : ASSCT peer-reviewed paper(ASSCT, 2019) Park, G; Schroeder, BL; Wood, AW; Skocaj, DMExcess potassium (K) fertiliser use can have a significant effect on sugar quality and refining costs but offers no benefit to sugarcane crop yield. Potassium fertiliser guidelines are based on soil texture and two measures of soil potassium: readily available or exchangeable K and reserve K. The maximum recommended K rate for the Herbert is 120 kg/ha. A long-term K trial was established on a sandy loam soil at Macknade. High K application rates increased soil exchangeable K levels and resulted in luxury K consumption by the sugarcane plant. This significantly increased juice conductivity and third-leaf K levels. It also resulted in significant reductions in third-leaf values for Ca and Mg.Item Nitrogen availability from legume and past fertiliser history : ASSCT peer-reviewed paper(ASSCT, 2019) Salter, B; Kok, E; Skocaj, DM; Schroeder, BLIt is likely that land-based activities within the Australian sugar industry have a negative effect on the quality of water in the Great Barrier Reef lagoon. Improvements to nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) are likely to require a greater understanding of processes affecting N availability, crop-N demand and uptake in sugarcane farming systems. Two issues associated with improving N management were investigated. Firstly, should fertiliser-N recommendations for ratoon crops be altered following a good legume fallow? Secondly, what contribution do past fertiliser-N management practices have on N uptake? Field experiments were established at Mackay. The first- and second-ratoon crops were fertilised at either 0 or 150 kg N/ha (0N; 150N). This followed a fallow period where a bare or soybean fallow were established and a plant crop that received 138 kg N/ha (bare fallow) or 18 kg N/ha (legume fallow). In the third and fourth-ratoon crops, due to a lack of any significant response to fallow management, the trial was altered to investigate the influence of previous N management on crop-N response. Plots either received 0N or 150N following a history of 0N or received 0N or 150N following a history of 150N. Crop-N uptake, leaf-N, soil mineral-N, crop yield and NUE data were collected. Results showed that the soybean fallow had no lasting N contribution through the crop cycle when N rates in the plant-cane crop were reduced as recommended in the SIX EASY STEPS. Based on this, fertilising ratoons at 'normal' N rates following legume fallows should be maintained. In the third-ratoon crop, where there was a history of 150N application, crop-N uptake was greater than where there was a history of 0N application. Cane yield at 0N was higher where there was history of 150N than 0N. These effects were not present in the fourth-ratoon crop. The results either showed a small fertiliser-history effect or were associated with greater N uptake by a crop in better condition.Item Aspects of temporal N management in sugarcane in sub-tropical Queensland : ASSCT peer-reviewed paper(ASSCT, 2019) Panitz, JH; Schroeder, BL; Skocaj, DM; Salter, BThe proximity of the Australian sugar industry to the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) has resulted in ongoing concerns about elevated concentrations of the dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) in the near-reef environments due to sugarcane production practices on-farm. Although the nitrogen (N) guidelines within the SIX EASY STEPS nutrient-management program are generally appropriate, scope exists for fine-tuning of N application rates for specific circumstances. In particular, enhanced-efficiency fertilisers (EEFs), such as urea coated with 3,4-dimethylpyrazole phosphate (DMPP-urea) and polymer-coated urea (PC-urea), offer promise potentially to improve nitrogen-use efficiency (NUE) in sugarcane production and reducing DIN losses to the GBR. Temporal N-management strategies using these EEFs were assessed within a randomised complete-block field trial conducted in a sub-tropical environment on a well-drained soil supported by a concurrently run shorter-term pot experiment. There were no significant yield responses to applied N, split applications or use of EEFs in the trial in either the plant or first-ratoon crops. Rainfall measured during these seasons would not have resulted in excessively wet conditions at the trial site and may have contributed to the lack of responses to EEFs. Increased N-uptake by the crop, due to the use of N strategies away from the standard practice (i.e. by using EEFs or split applications of urea), improved NUE values based on crop N, but this did not always translate into any improvements in yield. The highest partial net returns in the plant and first-ratoon crop corresponded to the control treatments. Urea applied at 120 kg N/ha in a single application resulted in the next best partial net returns in both crops. This appeared to be the most appropriate strategy to minimise risk to growers. The cost of EEF fertilisers negatively affected the partial net returns, with DMPP-coated urea being more affordable than the poly-coated urea. The results of the pot experiment that included two sugarcane cultivars supported these outcomes. Further work, across seasons (dry, wet and 'normal'), is needed to evaluate more fully the potential of EEFs for use in specific circumstances.Item Spatial distribution of potential soil constraints affecting nitrogen management in the Wet Tropics : ASSCT peer-reviewed paper(ASSCT, 2019) Skocaj, DM; Schroeder, BL; Hurney, AP; Rigby, A; Telford, DPosition in the landscape and climatic conditions experienced during the growing season, especially following the application of nitrogen (N) fertiliser, has important implications for crop growth, N uptake and N losses. Understanding the spatial distribution of soils where crop growth and responsiveness to applied N may be constrained in wet or dry years will allow growers and advisors to refine N-management strategies. To identify soils where crop growth and responsiveness to applied N may be restricted, a system of grouping soils that better reflected agronomic performance under different climatic conditions was required. The categorisation system considered position in the landscape, N-mineralisation potential, soil water-holding capacity in both wet and dry years, propensity to waterlog in wet years and presence of a water table in wet years. In dry years, waterlogging and the presence of a water table do not impact crop growth to the same extent as moisture availability, and, hence, in dry years, it is more important to categorise soils based on water-holding capacity. The major sugarcane-growing soils in the Tully and South Johnstone mill areas were categorised using this system. This resulted in five soil groups to describe the impact on crop growth and N responsiveness in wet and dry years. Given the application of N fertiliser to ratoon crops predominately occurs around spring, wet years were defined as receiving high spring-summer rainfall, whereas dry years were defined as receiving low spring-summer rainfall. Classifying wet and dry years according to spring-summer rainfall also allows growers and advisors to refer to seasonal climate forecasting indices for guidance on the likelihood of experiencing a wet or dry year. In wet years, the impact on crop growth, responsiveness to applied N and potential for lower N uptake is greatest for soil group five. These soils tend to occur in the lowest positions in the landscape, experience severe waterlogging and a persistent water table. They are also subject to frequent water inundation following extreme rainfall events. The spatial identification of soil constraints will complement the development of whole-of-farm nutrient-management plans in the Wet Tropics region. Knowledge of soil constraints influencing sugarcane growth and responsiveness to N will allow growers and advisors to better identify areas where nutrient-management strategies may require further fine-tuning. This information may also be of value in improving other management decisions including varietal selection and harvest schedulingItem Effect of harvest time on N-fertiliser requirements in the Wet Tropics : ASSCT extended-abstract paper(ASSCT, 2019) Skocaj, DM; Schroeder, BL; Park, G; Salter, BItem Boosting NUE in sugarcane through temporal and spatial management options : Final report 2014/045(Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2018) Schroeder, BL; Salter, B; Skocaj, DM; Panitz, JH; Park, GThis collaborative project involved the University of Southern Queensland (USQ) and the Sugar Research Australia (SRA) Technology Unit. It aimed to evaluate methods of matching nitrogen (N) supply (from soils and fertilisers) with crop N uptake and crop needs. It was conducted with cognizance of the industry’s production goal of 36 million tonnes of sugar per annum, and water quality targets for the Great Barrier Reef lagoon set by government and environmental groups. The project methodology comprised several discrete yet linked activities. The basic tenets of various N management strategies were reviewed. Several long-term N management trials that had previously been established in various districts were continued to provide essential background information. Additional field trials and pot experiments were established to assess N fertiliser formulations, uptake of N fertiliser and/or temporal aspects of N management. Adjustments to the N guidelines were considered in terms of existing evidence. A mechanism for incorporating future research outcomes and outputs into the SIX EASY STEPS nutrient management program was developed. An overarching objective was to subject trial and experimental results to multi-facetted evaluations by means of agronomic, economic and/or environmental assessments. The SIX EASY STEPS program continues to be recognised as the basis for best practice nutrient management in the Australian sugar industry. Trial results have indicated that the SIX EASY SYEPS guidelines are generally appropriate. However, scope exists for fine-tuning of N application rates for specific circumstances. This will be best achieved via STEPS 5 and 6 of the SIX EASY STEPS program. Nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) indicators are useful for alerting growers and/or advisors to inefficiencies or circumstance where alternative on-farm management are worth considering, but that are not appropriate for determining N application rates per se. Enhanced efficiency fertilisers, such as DMPP-coated urea and poly-coated urea, offer promise to improve NUE. However, their use will probably be limited to situations where N losses (by leaching and/or denitrification) are more likely. The flexibility of the SIX EASY STEPS program allows the component N guidelines to be amended and/or revised as new information becomes available. This also relates to the delivery channels, especially via the SIX EASY STEPS short course program and decision support tools such as NutriCalcTM. In particular, the formation of the SIX EASY STEPS Advisory Committee will provide a mechanism for additional nutrient management strategies to be incorporated in the program in future.Item A reference booklet for canegrowers on the nutrition and fertilizing of sugarcane for different soil types(2003) Wood, AW; Schroeder, BL; Stewart, RL; Roth, CHA wide range of different soils are used for sugarcane production in the Herbert River district. An understanding of these differences both at district and farm levels will ensure that nutrient management reflects this diversity and enables profitable and sustainable sugarcane production. The Australian sugar industry has used a generalised, industry-wide set of fertiliser recommendations with no specific guidelines for different regions, climatic conditions or soil types. This booklet is a first attempt to produce specific management guidelines for all of the different soil types used for sugarcane production in a cane area. Twenty four different soil types have been identified in the sugarcane production area of the Herbert and have been mapped at a scale of 1:5000, which is appropriate for soil-specific management recommendations to be delivered at block level. Growers can currently access soil maps of their farms through Herbert Cane productivity Services Ltd. and plans are in place to provide all growers with the capability of printing their own soil maps. In the booklet each soil type is described in terms of its appearance, where it occurs in the landscape, and its chemical and physical properties. Guidelines for the management of nutrients, tillage, drainage and irrigation and the minimisation of environmental risks are provided for each soil type. These guidelines have been developed using research results from a companion SRDC funded project, BSS232 “Improved nutrient management in the Australian Sugar Industry”. The soil booklet produced in this project is likely to be the first of a number of regional soil management publications that are likely to be produced for the Australian Sugar Industry. The booklet is intended for use by cane growers and their advisers, and where possible the information is presented in as non-technical way as possible. This approach is particularly appropriate for the current situation of the sugar industry with continuing low sugar prices, the need to reduce production costs together with mounting environmental pressures which demand demonstration of responsible soil and nutrient management. The guidelines in this booklet are aimed at providing best practice soil and nutrient management for Herbert growers that will not only maintain or improve crop yields and soil fertility but will also provide opportunities for cost reduction whilst enhancing sustainability and delivering better environmental outcomes.Item BSES technical report TE11004 - Burdekin nitrogen project - September 2011(2011) Connellan, J; Bateman, S; Schroeder, BLIn response to the introduction of the regulated method of determining N, some canegrowers in the Burdekin district (which produces approximately 25% of Queensland's sugarcane) expressed concern that sugarcane yields could be negatively affected by the permissible N application rates. Growers and Sucrogen (the milling company that operates in the Burdekin region) were also of the opinion that additional research was needed to ensure that any regulated N application would not compromise the profitability and/or supply security of the local sugarcane industry. As a result of grower and industry concerns the Department of Environment and Resource Management (DERM) contracted BSES Limited to undertake a series of trials across the Burdekin district to determine the adequacy of the regulated N for sugarcane production on different soil types and at different on-farm locations. To date BSES has established ten trials, five of which are located in the Delta and five in the Burdekin River Irrigation Area (BRIA).Replicated nitrogen rate strip trials have been established in plant sugarcane blocks on commercial farms in the Delta and BRIA. These sites were selected after considering a number of factors such as block size, shape, soil uniformity, irrigation systems employed and pest control measures. Consideration was also given to yield history of the blocks.At the conclusion of this work, partial net grower returns per hectare for each N application rate will be calculated per crop and for the complete crop cycle. The optimum N application rates that maintain the profitability of sugarcane production will be identified with due consideration to the potential impact on the environment.Item Final report - SRDC project BSS268 - Accelerating the adoption of best-practice nutrient management in the Australian sugar industry(2010) Schroeder, BL; Moody, P; Wood, AThis project BSS268 developed further the SIX EASY STEPS program, including additional compentents to its integrated package. It aimed to accelerate the adoption of sustainable nutrient management by: 1: Improving knowledge of the constraints to the adoption of best-practice nutrient management using grower surveys. -- 2: Developing a Soil constraints and management package (SCAMP) for improving on-farm management decision making. -- 3: Facilitating the use of nutrient management plans at block and farm scales and the implementation of soil/site specific fertiliser applications using a participative approach -- 4: Assessing the risk of on- and off-site impacts of land management paractices using vulnerability maps at catchment scales -- 5: Demonstrating the benefits of best nutrient management practices with on-farm strip trials. -- 6: Reviewing the N-use efficiency factors associated with relevant trials. 6: Reviewing the N-use efficiency factors associated with relevant trials. -- 7: Developing a computer based decision support system for the SIX EASY STEPS nutrient management package.