Soil health and nutrient management

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Research outcomes: Soil health is improved with a resulting positive impact on the environment and yield growth. Improved reputation and relationship between industry and environmental groups.


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    Nitrogen accumulation in biomass and its partitioning in sugar cane grown in the Burdekin : ASSCT peer-reviewed paper
    (ASSCT, 2016) Connellan, JF; Deutschenbaur
    Nitrogen is a key component of metabolic processes in plants and due to its mobile nature in soils is often a limiting factor in achieving maximum yield in commercial sugarcane crops grown in Australia. Demand for N depends upon a crop’s yield potential which is determined by climate, crop age and class and management practices (Muchow and Robertson, 1994). Determining the correct amount of nitrogen required to achieve maximum cane yield while minimising losses to the environment is a difficult task; however developing a basic understanding of nitrogen accumulation in biomass and the rate at which it accumulates will provide useful insights for agronomists, industry advisors and farmers. There have been few studies into the accumulation of nitrogen in the above-ground biomass of sugarcane in Australia. Wood et al. (1996) investigated the accumulation of N in the above ground biomass of two cultivars (Q117, Q138) and confirmed earlier findings from work in South Africa conducted by Thompson (1988), that most of the N was taken up in the first six months following planting/ratooning. In a recent review, Bell et al. (2014) reported that greater than 90% of the total above-ground N uptake occurs in the 200 day period after planting/ratooning. Few studies have been conducted into the accumulation of nitrogen in below ground biomass (roots and stool) of sugarcane in Australia. Bell et al. (2014), summarised the limited data collected to date and suggested that N in stool and root accumulates at about 20 kg N/ha/year while a further 10 kg N/ha/year accumulates in root material down to 60 cm. The objective of this study was to gain an insight into nitrogen accumulation in the above and below ground biomass of sugarcane and its partitioning in crops grown under irrigation in the Lower Burdekin region of Australia.
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    Does ratoon age impact on N-fertiliser requirements in the Wet Tropics? : ASSCT poster paper
    (ASSCT, 2019) Skocaj, DM; Schroeder, BL; Park, G; Hurney, AP
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    Nitrogen availability from legume and past fertiliser history : ASSCT peer-reviewed paper
    (ASSCT, 2019) Salter, B; Kok, E; Skocaj, DM; Schroeder, BL
    It is likely that land-based activities within the Australian sugar industry have a negative effect on the quality of water in the Great Barrier Reef lagoon. Improvements to nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) are likely to require a greater understanding of processes affecting N availability, crop-N demand and uptake in sugarcane farming systems. Two issues associated with improving N management were investigated. Firstly, should fertiliser-N recommendations for ratoon crops be altered following a good legume fallow? Secondly, what contribution do past fertiliser-N management practices have on N uptake? Field experiments were established at Mackay. The first- and second-ratoon crops were fertilised at either 0 or 150 kg N/ha (0N; 150N). This followed a fallow period where a bare or soybean fallow were established and a plant crop that received 138 kg N/ha (bare fallow) or 18 kg N/ha (legume fallow). In the third and fourth-ratoon crops, due to a lack of any significant response to fallow management, the trial was altered to investigate the influence of previous N management on crop-N response. Plots either received 0N or 150N following a history of 0N or received 0N or 150N following a history of 150N. Crop-N uptake, leaf-N, soil mineral-N, crop yield and NUE data were collected. Results showed that the soybean fallow had no lasting N contribution through the crop cycle when N rates in the plant-cane crop were reduced as recommended in the SIX EASY STEPS. Based on this, fertilising ratoons at 'normal' N rates following legume fallows should be maintained. In the third-ratoon crop, where there was a history of 150N application, crop-N uptake was greater than where there was a history of 0N application. Cane yield at 0N was higher where there was history of 150N than 0N. These effects were not present in the fourth-ratoon crop. The results either showed a small fertiliser-history effect or were associated with greater N uptake by a crop in better condition.
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    Aspects of temporal N management in sugarcane in sub-tropical Queensland : ASSCT peer-reviewed paper
    (ASSCT, 2019) Panitz, JH; Schroeder, BL; Skocaj, DM; Salter, B
    The proximity of the Australian sugar industry to the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) has resulted in ongoing concerns about elevated concentrations of the dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) in the near-reef environments due to sugarcane production practices on-farm. Although the nitrogen (N) guidelines within the SIX EASY STEPS nutrient-management program are generally appropriate, scope exists for fine-tuning of N application rates for specific circumstances. In particular, enhanced-efficiency fertilisers (EEFs), such as urea coated with 3,4-dimethylpyrazole phosphate (DMPP-urea) and polymer-coated urea (PC-urea), offer promise potentially to improve nitrogen-use efficiency (NUE) in sugarcane production and reducing DIN losses to the GBR. Temporal N-management strategies using these EEFs were assessed within a randomised complete-block field trial conducted in a sub-tropical environment on a well-drained soil supported by a concurrently run shorter-term pot experiment. There were no significant yield responses to applied N, split applications or use of EEFs in the trial in either the plant or first-ratoon crops. Rainfall measured during these seasons would not have resulted in excessively wet conditions at the trial site and may have contributed to the lack of responses to EEFs. Increased N-uptake by the crop, due to the use of N strategies away from the standard practice (i.e. by using EEFs or split applications of urea), improved NUE values based on crop N, but this did not always translate into any improvements in yield. The highest partial net returns in the plant and first-ratoon crop corresponded to the control treatments. Urea applied at 120 kg N/ha in a single application resulted in the next best partial net returns in both crops. This appeared to be the most appropriate strategy to minimise risk to growers. The cost of EEF fertilisers negatively affected the partial net returns, with DMPP-coated urea being more affordable than the poly-coated urea. The results of the pot experiment that included two sugarcane cultivars supported these outcomes. Further work, across seasons (dry, wet and 'normal'), is needed to evaluate more fully the potential of EEFs for use in specific circumstances.
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    Spatial distribution of potential soil constraints affecting nitrogen management in the Wet Tropics : ASSCT peer-reviewed paper
    (ASSCT, 2019) Skocaj, DM; Schroeder, BL; Hurney, AP; Rigby, A; Telford, D
    Position in the landscape and climatic conditions experienced during the growing season, especially following the application of nitrogen (N) fertiliser, has important implications for crop growth, N uptake and N losses. Understanding the spatial distribution of soils where crop growth and responsiveness to applied N may be constrained in wet or dry years will allow growers and advisors to refine N-management strategies. To identify soils where crop growth and responsiveness to applied N may be restricted, a system of grouping soils that better reflected agronomic performance under different climatic conditions was required. The categorisation system considered position in the landscape, N-mineralisation potential, soil water-holding capacity in both wet and dry years, propensity to waterlog in wet years and presence of a water table in wet years. In dry years, waterlogging and the presence of a water table do not impact crop growth to the same extent as moisture availability, and, hence, in dry years, it is more important to categorise soils based on water-holding capacity. The major sugarcane-growing soils in the Tully and South Johnstone mill areas were categorised using this system. This resulted in five soil groups to describe the impact on crop growth and N responsiveness in wet and dry years. Given the application of N fertiliser to ratoon crops predominately occurs around spring, wet years were defined as receiving high spring-summer rainfall, whereas dry years were defined as receiving low spring-summer rainfall. Classifying wet and dry years according to spring-summer rainfall also allows growers and advisors to refer to seasonal climate forecasting indices for guidance on the likelihood of experiencing a wet or dry year. In wet years, the impact on crop growth, responsiveness to applied N and potential for lower N uptake is greatest for soil group five. These soils tend to occur in the lowest positions in the landscape, experience severe waterlogging and a persistent water table. They are also subject to frequent water inundation following extreme rainfall events. The spatial identification of soil constraints will complement the development of whole-of-farm nutrient-management plans in the Wet Tropics region. Knowledge of soil constraints influencing sugarcane growth and responsiveness to N will allow growers and advisors to better identify areas where nutrient-management strategies may require further fine-tuning. This information may also be of value in improving other management decisions including varietal selection and harvest scheduling
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    Effect of harvest time on N-fertiliser requirements in the Wet Tropics : ASSCT extended-abstract paper
    (ASSCT, 2019) Skocaj, DM; Schroeder, BL; Park, G; Salter, B
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    A review of nitrogen use efficiency in sugarcane
    (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2014) Bell, MJ
    The Great Barrier Reef (GBR) is the world’s largest coral reef ecosystem, providing both substantial economic benefit to Australia and significant international ecological value. The health of the GBR is under pressure from sediments, pesticides and nutrients (especially nitrogen) discharged from nearby catchments. Discharge of nitrogen is of particular concern as it stimulates outbreaks of the Crown of Thorns Starfish, a major predator of GBR corals. Recent research has shown that the amount of nitrogen fertiliser applied in excess of crop uptake is an important determinant of nitrogen discharge from catchments, so increasing the efficiency of nitrogen use in cropping systems is an important step in protecting the economic and ecological benefits provided by the GBR. Importantly, an increase in nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) also offers opportunities to improve productivity and profitability of agricultural industries, with such benefits a major incentive for industry adoption and practice change. The Australian sugarcane industry is a significant contributor to the anthropogenic loads of nitrogen entering the Great Barrier Reef lagoon, with recent estimates in the Reef Water Quality Protection Plan (2013) suggesting it contributes 18% and 56% of particulate and inorganic nitrogen loads, respectively. A focus on improving NUE in the Australian sugar industry to reduce these loads wherever possible is a logical outcome from these statistics. While the relative impact of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) and particulate nitrogen (PN) is still uncertain, recent NUE forums in the sugar industry in 2014 identified clear target reductions in DIN that would be needed in order to significantly improve water quality in line with Reef Plan (2013-18) targets. The forum also identified a clear need for a joint industry-government funded research program to improve NUE in sugarcane cropping systems. The review conducted for this report was commissioned and funded by the Australian Government Reef Programme to provide a foundation for this joint NUE research program. The review was tasked with providing an improved understanding of past and current research effort and available field trial information (both published and unpublished) relating to nitrogen management in the sugar industry. From this perspective the review was then tasked with identifying research gaps and opportunities for future research projects and field trials that would collectively contribute to improving NUE from both agronomic and production perspectives as well as delivering significant reductions in nitrogen lost to waterways and the Great Barrier Reef lagoon. It is widely recognized that in any crop, the demand for N is determined by the size of the crop and the fundamental efficiency with which that crop produces a unit of biomass or harvested product from a kg of acquired N (N use efficiency – NUE). Therefore a good understanding of yield potential at the spatial scale of the productivity unit (i.e., farm, several blocks of similar productivity, individual blocks or within-block) about which N fertilizer management decisions (rate, form, placement, timing) are made is required, along with an understanding of how that yield potential varies with seasonal conditions. Collectively, this could be called seasonal ‘block’ (or productivity zone) yield potential, and it will produce a crop N demand that may vary from year to year. The sugar industry is currently operating at the district level (generally comprising several thousand cropped hectares across variable soil types and landscapes), and basing N demand for all growers in the district on the best farm yield ever achieved over a 20 year time frame. It is apparent that overall NUE could be improved by basing N fertiliser inputs on the seasonal yield potential of the productivity unit.
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    Assessing clonal and nitrogen interaction on ccs in sugarcane in the wet tropis ; SRDC project BSS180 final report
    (2003) Hurney, AP; Berding, N; Grace, D
    There has been a negative trend in CCS in the Tully-Mossman region since the mid-1960s that has been linked to increased extraneous matter and suckers in the cane supply. The situation had become particularly bad during 1990-1996, with most mill districts within the region experiencing problems with low CCS. An increase in the frequency of lodging and incidence of suckers was possibly contributing to this problem and there was a perception that this was related to inappropriate use of nitrogen fertiliser for the locally grown cultivars. There were also concerns that current cultivars were not suited to the local environmental conditions. Growers choosing to grow inappropriate cultivars for particular locations were thought to be exacerbating the problem.Decisions on what cultivar to grow and how much fertiliser to apply are management options that could be modified if they were contributing to the low CCS problem. These issues were addressed in this project by studying the effects of four rates of nitrogen (0, 70, 140, 210 kg N/ha) on lodging, suckering, CCS and cane yield of the three cultivars Q117, Q120 and Q138. These experiments were conducted on three different soil types at three locations within the Tully mill district. The objectives of this project were to provide a better understanding of the role of nitrogen and cultivars in the low CCS issue to facilitate the development of improved management options.In the plant crops, which were planted after a fallow, nitrogen had no influence on cane yield, CCS, lodging or suckering under the environmental conditions in which these crops were grown. However, it did increase both cane yield and lodging in first- and second-ratoon crops. Responses were limited by adverse interactions with the wet conditions and nitrogen losses due to leaching and/or volatilisation. Nitrogen had no direct influence on CCS in the ratoon crops, but it did have an indirect negative effect, because it increased the incidence of lodging. Rates of N application could be reduced in both plant and ratoon crops, which would reduce production costs. It would also be beneficial environmentally.There was no evidence of nitrogen accumulation in the soil from high nitrogen fertiliser application even following a low-yielding crop. This is of concern from an environmental viewpoint if inappropriate nitrogen rates are applied, as any excess nitrogen will be lost from the soil due to leaching or denitrification. The data suggested that the critical leaf nitrogen concentration might vary between cultivars. This provides an opportunity to reduce nitrogen rates for cultivars with lower nitrogen requirements.Current cultivars do have high potential CCS, but this cannot be realised, partially because of their susceptibility to lodging and suckering. All three cultivars tested, Q117, Q120 and Q138, are susceptible to lodging in well-grown crops. It appears that the susceptibility of Q120 and Q138 is high in crops yielding more than 70-80 t/ha under the wet conditions of the wet tropics.The potential reduction in CCS from total lodging was estimated at about 10% across all cultivars in these trials. The actual loss in CCS is governed by the actual proportion of lodging in the crop and was estimated at 0.4 units in crops that had 25% lodging. This is a hidden cost of which growers are generally not aware. There are no management options that can be implemented to minimise this loss. Severe and multiple lodging events had a negative impact on CCS and cane yield in Q120 and Q138, reducing profitability. In these circumstances, the negative effects of lodging can be reduced if the time between harvesting and occurrence of lodging is reduced. Increased returns to the grower of $200 $300/ha are possible using this strategy.Lodging was less extensive in Q117 and lower-vigour cultivars, such as Q117, may offer a more appropriate ideotype for the wet tropics, because of their lower susceptibility to lodging. Economic impact was estimated at a loss of $7.5 million to growers within the region from a moderate lodging event affecting 25% of the crop. Adoption of agronomic practices to improve physical support of the crop is only partially successful in reducing the intensity of lodging. This can only be achieved by the implementation of a research program to select cultivars with a low incidence of lodging, while maintaining or improving productivity.The cultivars Q117, Q120 and Q138 are representative of those being grown in the wet tropics and demonstrated a high propensity to sucker. Lodging is not a pre-requisite for sucker initiation, as the emergence of suckers was generally first noted under a closed canopy. Suckers have a negative effect on CCS, because they dilute the cane juice through their high moisture and low sucrose composition. In these experiments, 10% by weight of suckers in the cane supply reduced CCS by a little over 1 unit. The increased cane yield from suckers is inflating productivity estimates but not improving profitability; the level of suckering experienced in these experiments would reduce regional grower-income by approximately $6 million. It is possible to select against suckering propensity and this has already been introduced into the crop improvement program. However, research into the relationship between suckers and longevity of ratoons is required because of the potential impact on productivity.An appropriate extension program needs to be developed to disseminate the findings of this research to growers. The results from this project have been extended to the industry. There have also been extension programs for BMP of cultivars. However, there is still a large gap between extension and adoption, which is why additional extension programs are recommended. Adoption of findings on nitrogen will reduce production costs, as well as have a positive environmental impact. Management strategies are available to partially alleviate the negative impacts of lodging and suckering. However, further research is required to fully overcome the effects of these phenomena.
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    Evaluating the potential for improved sugar yields by assessing the climatic and soil constraints to production in southern cane-growing districts
    (1999) Muchow, RC; Hughes, RM; Horan, HL
    This project conducted strategic research to better understand the processes of yield accumulation in low temperature NSW environments and to identify limits to yield. The fundamental knowledge gained in this project can be used to assess yield limitations and the scope for yield improvement. In addition, the findings are a pre-requisite to the design of management and genetic improvement strategies to boost production in southern sugarcane growing environments. An additional spin-off of this project is a better functional basis of the processes of yield accumulation encapsulated in the APSIM Sugarcane systems model to allow extrapolation of the findings more broadly across the sugar industry. An analysis framework was used to express sucrose yield in terms of biomass accumulation and the proportion on biomass present as sucrose. Crop biomass was analysed in terms of radiation capture and utilisation. Partitioning was examined in terms of the proportion of crop biomass present as stalk and the stalk sucrose concentration on a dry matter basis. Crops growing under "potential yield" conditions were analysed and compared to those growing under "commercial yield conditions".
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    Evaluating the leaf chlorophyll meter as a tool for nitrogen management in sugarcane
    (1995) Keating, BA; Smith, K
    Nitrogen is an important constituent of chlorophyll, the compound that gives plants their green colour and the compound that absorbs radiation energy as the basis of plant growth. When nitrogen is in short supply, the chlorophyll content of leaves is reduced and in extreme cases, the leaves take on a yellow (or chlorotic) colour. There is an upper limit to leaf "greenness" and leaf nitrogen can continue to rise even when chlorophyll has reached a "plateau". These simple concepts are illustrated in the figure below. This project was aimed at evaluating a portable leaf chlorophyll meter as a tool in nitrogen management of sugarcane. As chlorophyll is a critical component of the photosynthetic system, reductions in leaf chlorophyll may result in lower sugarcane growth rates and this may impact on final sugar yields. In addition, leaf nitrogen is expensive and time consuming to determine on an extensive basis. The notion was that the chlorophyll meter could provide a far simpler alternative to leaf analysis for the monitoring of nitrogen status of sugarcane crops. The project consisted of measurements of leaf nitrogen and chlorophyll on sugarcane crops grown under a range of nitrogen regimes at locations in the Herbert, Bundaberg and northern NSW regions. Leaves at various levels in the canopy were measured and in the majority of instances samples of the bulk canopy were taken. Samples of the sap from the leaf mid-ribs were collected at the same time and analysed for nitrate using a rapid field test. In all 450 leaf N - chlorophyll meter comparisons were collected at various occasions over the November 1993 to June 1994 period.