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AuthorTelford, D
AuthorMcAvoy, K
Date Accessioned2012-11-14
Date Available2012-11-14
AbstractSugarcane weevil borers are an introduced pest of sugarcane from New Guinea. They cause significant losses to ccs and may contribute to production of poor quality sugar crystals. The adoption of pre-harvest burning of cane in the 1940s saw a reduction of borer damage to low levels. This remained until the widespread adoption of green cane harvesting and trash blanketing in the 1980s.Early studies have shown ways to reduce borer damage through the use of resistant varieties, improved farm hygiene (reduced cane loss and improved rat control), and chemical control. A reduction in borer damage will enhance viability of the northern sugar industry.This project was designed to have a participatory approach with stakeholders affected by borers in the Queensland sugar industry and to demonstrate the effectiveness of implementing borer management strategies.
Part of SeriesBSES Internal Report; 2002 No 1156 Report SD02019; SRDC BSS224
SubjectWeevil borers
SubjectPest management
SubjectBorer management
TitleImplementation of management strategies for control of sugarcane weevil borer in far north Queensland : SRDC final report BSS224

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This item appears in the following Collection(s)

  • Pest, disease and weed management [181]
    Research outcomes: A comprehensive RD&E program that addresses existing and emerging pests, diseases and weeds, allowing sugarcane growers to manage their crops efficiently with minimal environmental impacts. An enhanced industry capacity to deal with incursions of exotic pests, diseases and weeds.

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