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AuthorGeijskes, R
AuthorNutt, K
AuthorAllsopp, P
Date Accessioned2012-11-14
Date Available2012-11-14
AbstractThis project aimed to progress canegrub-resistant transgenic sugarcane to recommendations for field testing by negotiating IP and research agreements to allow commercial release of transgenic plants, determining the insecticidal performance of current transgenics expressing snowdrop lectin and protease inhibitors, testing additional products for antimetabolic effects on canegrubs and incorporating active ones into the program, and producing additional transgenic lines using snowdrop lectin and protease inhibitors and based on other cultivars.
Part of SeriesBSES Internal Report; 2004 No 1253 Report SD04013
SubjectPlant breeding
TitleIdentification of canegrub-resistant transgenic sugarcane lines for commercial evaluation : SRDC final report BSS237

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This item appears in the following Collection(s)

  • Varieties, plant breeding and release [124]
    Research outcomes: Comprehensive and efficient variety breeding, selection and release programs responding to yield expectations, environmental constraints, resource scarcity and regional preferences. Faster varietal adoption using advanced methods for bulking, distribution and planting.

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