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AuthorAtkin, F
Date Accessioned2012-11-14
Date Available2012-11-14
AbstractSugarcane breeders in Australia use family trials from four regional programs to estimate breeding values of current parents. Genetic gain to the Australian sugarcane industry can be maximised through efficient parent selection and choosing specific family combinations for cross pollination. This project has resulted in a new system of estimating the breeding potential of sugarcane parents in the BSES CSIRO breeding program. More accurate assessment and selection of sugarcane parents for cross pollination is likely to result in increased genetic gain through managing parent populations more efficiently, selecting better cross combinations, and advancement of superior varieties into later stages of selection. The project has formed the basis of a PhD thesis submitted to the University of Queensland.
Part of SeriesBSES Internal Report; 2010 No 1519 Report SD10002
SubjectPlant breeding
TitleEstimates of breeding value of sugarcane clones and their impact on efficient parent management and cross pollination : SRDC final report STU060

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This item appears in the following Collection(s)

  • Varieties, plant breeding and release [124]
    Research outcomes: Comprehensive and efficient variety breeding, selection and release programs responding to yield expectations, environmental constraints, resource scarcity and regional preferences. Faster varietal adoption using advanced methods for bulking, distribution and planting.

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