Now showing items 281-300 of 732

    • Irrigation : one of the keys to reaching yield potential 

      Hussey, B (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2014)
      Sugarcane grows fastest under conditions of adequate moisture, sunlight and temperatures over 24°C. Growth measurements of over 40 mm per day have been recorded. In the absence of growth restraints such as weeds, pests, ...
    • Irrigation investment delivering on-farm benefits 

      Pfeffer, B (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2017)
      The use of underground drip and solid set irrigation is delivering positive outcomes for Paul Villis in the Burdekin, including water use efficiency and a range of benefits as a result of green cane harvesting.
    • Irrigation of sugarcane manual 

      Holden, J; McGuire, P (2014)
      Sugarcane is a plant that originated in wet tropical regions such as Hawaii and Papua New Guinea. Therefore, to achieve maximum productivity, it requires an abundant supply of water from either rainfall or irrigation.
    • Irrigation scheduling 

      Hussey, B (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2014)
      Scheduling irrigation can help growers apply the right amount of water, in the right place, at the right time, to produce optimum yield. A range of tools are available to help with this important process.
    • Irrigators move towards profit and sustainability 

      Marshall, A (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2019)
      Irrigators move towards profit and sustainability
    • It's planting time and diseases are waiting to attack 

      Ogden-Brown, J (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2013)
      With spring planting approaching, it is important that growers are aware of the soil-borne diseases that could affect their overall crop performance. The two diseases that could have the most impact are pineapple sett rot ...
    • Knowing and understanding our soils 

      Unknown author (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2018)
      Knowing and understanding our soils
    • Knowledge bank builing on yellow canopy syndrome 

      Unknown author (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2018)
      Knowledge bank builing on yellow canopy syndrome
    • Kovacich Family focusing on soil health profitability, technology and sustainability 

      Granshaw, T (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2020)
      Kovacich Family focusing on soil health profitability, technology and sustainability
    • Leading the charge on efficient & sustainable production 

      Unknown author (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2017)
      Queensland University of Technology (QUT) researchers have used a scale-model of a wet scrubber to provide valuable information for sugar millers on how this piece of milling equipment functions � and to recommend possible ...
    • Learning from the overseas experience 

      Unknown author (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2016)
      SRA has approved funding for this project to commence in the latter half of 2015, which will look to bring some of the efficiencies of overseas milling operations to benefit Australian factories.
    • Legumes : the pros and cons 

      Hussey, B (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2014)
      As seen in the previous article, ‘Planning the summer fallow’, in this edition, fallow legumes can improve cane yields and soil health. This handy table helps to compare and evaluate the different types of legumes available ...
    • Legumes improving soil health and farm profitability 

      Ryalls, S (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2019)
      Legumes improving soil health and farm profitability
    • Lessons from across Bass Strait drive sustainable production 

      Pfeffer, B (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2019)
      Lessons from across Bass Strait drive sustainable production
    • Lessons from South African approach to boosting farm productivity 

      Unknown author (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2017)
      The South African sugarcane industry has a diverse mix of farmers from small holders to large scale commercial growers with the largest growing around 4000 hectares. SRA Executive Manager Communications, Brad Pfeffer, ...
    • Levelling delivers major productivity boost in the Wet Tropics 

      Pfeffer, B (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2017)
      Far North Queensland sugarcane grower Paul Gregory has seen an impressive productivity and profitability response by laser levelling and now says it will be part and parcel of his farming operation.
    • Levelling trial shows 20 percent improvement to net return 

      Pfeffer, B (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2018)
      Glen Anderson already knows how important precise drainage is to his productivity, but work on an SRA-funded project run by MSF Sugar is providing eye-opening numbers for the impact on his bottom line.
    • Levelling trial shows 20 percent improvement to net return 

      Unknown author (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2018)
      Glen Anderson already knows how important precise drainage is to his productivity, but work on an SRA-funded project run by MSF Sugar is providing eye-opening numbers for the impact on his bottom line. By Brad Pfeffer
    • Local data gives the full picture on water quality 

      Unknown author (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2019)
      Local data gives the full picture on water quality
    • Local industries to drive the improvement of harvesting practices 

      Patane, P (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2014)
      Each year the Australian sugar industry incurs avoidable cane losses during the harvesting process. Two new Regional Applied Research (RAR) projects, funded by SRA and led by productivity services groups with their local ...