Now showing items 1-5 of 5

    • Diseases of Australian sugarcane field guide 

      Magarey, R (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2019)
      This guide has been designed for practical 'in-field' use. Text is kept to a minimum and symbols are used to convey information.
    • Diseases of Australian sugarcane field guide 

      Magarey, R (BSES, 2013)
      This guide has been designed for practical ‘in-field’ use. Text is kept to a minimum and symbols are used to convey information.
    • PNG: a long-term sugarcane research partner 

      Magarey, R (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2016)
      A research collaboration with Papua New Guinea is helping to put the Australian industry on the front foot and prepare for biosecurity risks.
    • Resistant varieties are the only solution to Pachymetra root rot 

      Plunkett, G; Magarey, R (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2014)
      Pachymetra root rot (Pachymetra) is a major disease which will reduce your yields. In a survey of the Tully Mill area in 2004, the economic loss from Pachymetra totalled over $900,000. Resistant varieties are the only ...
    • SRA scientists preparing to combat foreign threats 

      Magarey, R (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2015)
      SRA scientists have recently received funding for research into exotic pest and disease threats in Indonesia and Papua New Guinea (PNG).