Now showing items 421-440 of 732

    • Variety decisions rest with the local industry through new RVCs 

      Unknown author (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2017)
      With changes to biosecurity legislation in both Queensland and New South Wales the previous process for the approval and release of sugarcane varieties from Sugar Research Australia (SRA) has changed.
    • Best-practice surface drainage for low-lying sugarcane lands Herbert District 

      Reghenzani, JR; Roth, CR (BSES, 2006)
      A manual for extensionists and practitioners.
    • Reduced tillage boosts soil health at Woodburn 

      Pfeffer, B (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2017)
      A combination of strip tillage, soybeans and faba beans is delivering positive results for the Haynes brothers in the Broadwater mill area of northern NSW.
    • SRA continues long-term research in the Southern Region 

      Unknown author (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2017)
      SRA will have a new research farm in the Southern growing region with the purchase of a new property at Welcome Creek, on the northern side of Bundaberg.
    • Total research investment 

      Unknown author (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2017)
      Sugar Research Australia aims to invest in projects that will deliver real benefits on key issues for its investors
    • News from SRA 

      Unknown author (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2017)
      We update you on recent activities occurring within your industry-owned company for research, development and adoption.
    • From swinging a hammer to cutting cane 

      Pfeffer, B (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2017)
      Young farmer Danny Lickiss is introducing changes such as a soybean rotation and wider rows to the farming system.
    • RP20 - How one trial has changed a mindset 

      Evers, A (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2017)
      Collaborators in the RP20 project in the Burdekin speak in this article about the success of the project. The RP20 project began with on goal in mind - to validate the SIX EASY STEPs method for calculating the amount of ...
    • Solid 2016 result at Tolga on the Tableland 

      Unknown author (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2017)
      Having grown a range of rotational crops in the past, Joe Trimarchi is looking beyond the traditional crops and vegetables that are subject to wild market variations to something he has not tried before.
    • Soybean continues to boost NSW sugarcane production 

      Unknown author (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2017)
      Improvement in varieties and crop management are triggering an ongoing interest in soybean at the beginning of the sugarcane cropping cycle, and also delviering potential benefits to the subsequent cane crop.
    • Improved yield forecasting and N management through remote sensing 

      Unknown author (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2017)
      Advances in remote sensing technology - and research to apply it within the sugarcane industry - is hoped to deliver improvements to yield forecasting and nitrogen management for the Australian industry.
    • Farm Biosecurity Manual released for sugarcane producers 

      Unknown author (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2017)
      A new manual has been produced to assist sugarcane growers and the entire industry to be aware of biosecurity risks that could cost the industry millions of dollars in lost production.
    • Taking the legwork out of finding a fertiliser 

      Rodman, G (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2017)
      SRA has developed a ready reckoner that will quickly and easily allow advisors and growers to determine which commercially available fertiliser blend is best suited to their crop's requirements.
    • Welcome to the Autumn 2017 edition of CaneConnection 

      Pfeffer, B (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2017)
    • Collaboration the key to ongoing improvement in harvest efficiency 

      Unknown author (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2017)
      The Australian sugar industry has been given a valuable insight into factors that drive the design decisions of the two major harvester manufacturers, via a recent trip to Brazil and the United States. SRA Adoption Officer, ...
    • Ongoing weed control battle to assist long-term productivity 

      Pfeffer, B (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2017)
      As a new entrant to sugarcane farming, Damian Wirth has put a strong focus on Smartcane BMP and in particular farming practices such as weed and nutrient management to get himself started.
    • Levelling delivers major productivity boost in the Wet Tropics 

      Pfeffer, B (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2017)
      Far North Queensland sugarcane grower Paul Gregory has seen an impressive productivity and profitability response by laser levelling and now says it will be part and parcel of his farming operation.
    • Eye in the sky to help modernise sugarcane plant breeding 

      Unknown author (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2017)
      Cutting-edge technology is being used to assess how potential new sugarcane varieties perform through the growing cycle, with the aim of delivering better varieties sooner for the Australian sugarcane industry.
    • Putting varieties to the test with waterlogging 

      Unknown author (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2017)
      New research is hoping to better understand the impact of waterlogging upon different sugarcane varieties, with the aim of providing better information for growers and millers.
    • Using remote sensing to improve canegrub management in North Queensland cane fields 

      Unknown author (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2017)
      Research is hoping to use more affordable satellite imagery to bring cane grub mapping a step closer to being a viable tool for the sugarcane industry.