Now showing items 66-85 of 450

    • Chlorotic Streak search finds the needle in the haystack 

      Unknown author (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2016)
      A team effort at Sugar Research Australia has let to the discovery of the organism that causes Chlorotic Streak, which has potential for industry benefits in relation to the disease. Researchers at SRA have made a major ...
    • Choosing the perfect parents 

      Unknown author (2015)
      While some people claim that you can tell how a woman will look in 20 years by looking at her mother, SRA researchers take a more rigorous approach to choosing breeding stock for their plant breeding program.
    • Clean seed underpins production in northern NSW 

      Unknown author (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2019)
      Clean seed underpins production in northern NSW
    • CLEAN team improving harvest efficiency at Isis 

      Pfeffer, B (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2016)
      A collaborative effort between the mill, growers, harvester operators and researchers is delivering productivity and profitability outcomes for the local industry at Isis. Isis mill Chief Field Officer Paul Nicol knows ...
    • Climate forecasting to improve nitrogen management in the Wet Tropics 

      Rodman, G; Skocaj, D (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2016)
      SRA research Danielle Skocaj's PhD thesis investigated the impact of climatic conditions on Tully sugarcane yields and nitrogen fertiliser requirements. She found that climate forecasting can be used to predict N fertiliser ...
    • Collaboration the key to ongoing improvement in harvest efficiency 

      Unknown author (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2017)
      The Australian sugar industry has been given a valuable insight into factors that drive the design decisions of the two major harvester manufacturers, via a recent trip to Brazil and the United States. SRA Adoption Officer, ...
    • Collaborative effort delivers new sugarcane variety for Burdekin region 

      Unknown author (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2018)
      Collaborative effort delivers new sugarcane variety for Burdekin region
    • Collaborative research to maximise profit from nitrogen 

      Unknown author (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2017)
      Efficient use of nitrogen (N) opens doors to greater productivity, increased profit and reduced environmental impact, but what is the best way forward for particular farm systems?
    • Collaborative use of mill data creates path for productivity improvement 

      Unknown author (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2016)
      SRA has worked collaboratively with Wilmar and HCSPL in the Herbert region to analyse mill data to drive productivity improvements. Research that has analysed mill data to help improve productivity in the Herbert region ...
    • Compaction: What's it doing to your roots? 

      Unknown author (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2019)
      Compaction: What's it doing to your roots?
    • Connecting with research 

      Unknown author (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2014)
      SRA aims to fund and conduct research that matters. Research that creates a sustainable, productive and profitable industry. Research that benefits our members and levy payers.
    • Contents and Welcome 

      Unknown author (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2018)
      Contents and Welcome
    • Continued innovation delivers in the Burdekin 

      Billing, B (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2016)
      Burdekin cane grower Denis Pozzebon says trialling new technology and innovation has led to positive outcomes and improved farm management practices.
    • Controlled release fertilisers under the microscope 

      Unknown author (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2015)
      New research being undertaken by CSIRO is putting controlled release fertilisers, and their potential role in the Australian sugarcane industry, under the microscope.
    • Controlled traffic helping improve soil health 

      Pfeffer, B (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2019)
      Controlled traffic helping improve soil health
    • Controlled-release fertilisers: unravelling the mystery 

      Unknown author (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2016)
      Controlled-release fertilisers (CRFs) have been promoted as an option for reducing nitrogen losses, but a research project is confirming that it is crucial that applications be matched to the needs of the crop in order to ...
    • Coordinated effort controls RSD 

      Pfeffer, B (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2016)
      Burdekin grower Paul Sgarbossa shares his views on disease control methods and the success that the district has had controlling Ratoon Stunting Disease.
    • Course blazes trails in the amazing race of leadership in agriculture 

      Moore, S (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2015)
      For as long as I can remember, I've wanted to be part of helping drive the Australian agricultural sector - to be one of the many people across Australia helping it to become all it can be.
    • Creating discussions, generating curiosity and promoting soil health 

      Skocaj, D (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2020)
      Creating discussions, generating curiosity and promoting soil health
    • Determining the best fit for enhanced efficiency fertilisers for the cane industry 

      Unknown author (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2018)
      EEF60 is a joint initiative of Queensland CANEGROWERS and SRA, with SRA as the lead research agency, and a number of productivity services organisations partnering in the project to deliver extension to industry.