Now showing items 181-200 of 450

    • Working together to maximise returns for grower, miller, and contractor 

      Pfeffer, B (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2018)
      A collaborative approach between contractor and grower is delivering results for Ian Ghidella and his harvesting group.
    • Holistic approach to soil health to stay ahead of the cost wave 

      Pfeffer, B (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2018)
      The Werner family at Septimus have been involved with a range of research activities, along with implementing advanced farming practices, to continually lift production.
    • New discovery on chlorotic streak to lead to better management 

      Unknown author (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2018)
      The new scientific discovery on chlorotic streak is leading to improved information on varietal resistance to the disease, and also management options through development of a diagnostic tool.
    • Maximising industry value through optimised harvesting practices 

      Pfeffer, B (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2018)
      Participation in 2017 harvesting demonstration trials with SRA is leading to further efficiency gains and harvesting improvements for MSF Sugar.
    • Refining weed management at Tully: less on = less off 

      Unknown author (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2018)
      Tully grower Frank Hughes has faced an ongoing battle with Calopo vine. This weed pressure has always been highest at the end of rows where the vines access more sunlight and grow vigorously before they can be shaded by the cane.
    • Field Day supports growers to improve water quality 

      Rodman, G; Ross, P (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2018)
      SRA’s Meringa Station hosted a field day with a water quality focus on May 1, supporting several projects underway in the Wet Tropics.
    • Welcome to the Winter 2018 edition of CaneConnection 

      Unknown author (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2018)
      Table of contents
    • By the numbers 

      Unknown author (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2018)
    • Fertigation delivers quantum leap forward in efficiency and productivity 

      Pfeffer, B (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2018)
      The switch from furrow irrigation to an automated drip fertigation system is delivering a massive jump in productivity and water use efficiency for MSF Sugar’s Mousa Farms near Mareeba on the Atherton Tableland.
    • Examining lime application for improving soil acidity, crop yield and CCS 

      Anil-Biswas, B; Hill, N (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2018)
      A field trial in collaboration with a subgroup of growers from the Central Queensland Soil Health Society will examine the impact of fine lime application upon yield, CCS and soil amelioration.
    • Total research investment 

      Unknown author (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2018)
      Sugar Research Australia aims to invest in projects that will deliver real benefits on key issues for its investors.
    • Adding local information to variety management 

      Unknown author (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2018)
      The Tully region is working together to assess new varieties in a range of conditions, to help the local industry improve variety management decisions.
    • DNA technology gets to the root of the matter. 

      Unknown author (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2018)
      Roots make up a large part of the sugarcane plant, but they are difficult to research and not very well understood. However, an early-career research project has looked at the application of DNA technology to make understanding ...
    • Regular testing keeps Pachymetra from rearing its ugly head 

      Unknown author (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2018)
      Ongoing vigilance is the key to keeping on top of Pachymetra for Tully grower George Henry.
    • DNA test a technological leap for the sugar industry 

      Unknown author (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2018)
      The importance of testing for soil pathogens is already well understood and established, and current research is looking at the application of new technology for our industry to deliver improvements and efficiencies.
    • Soil health: fitting all the pieces together 

      Pfeffer, B (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2018)
      A keen interest in improving soil health has seen Tully grower Ray Zamora continue with a broad range of trials on farm.
    • Making your life easier with nutrient management plans 

      Cushing, R (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2018)
      Planning is a large part of successful farm management. For growers to achieve the best results on their farm under a range of conditions and circumstances, planning is a necessity. In some cases, planning involves going ...
    • China trip delivers valuable research insights 

      Unknown author (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2018)
      A recent trip to China has given an insight into variety development and nematode research for Australian sugarcane industry researchers.
    • PNG biosecurity research puts Australia on the front foot 

      Unknown author (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2018)
      A long-standing collaboration with researchers in Papua New Guinea has broadened Australia’s understanding of important diseases that pose a possible biosecurity threat to Australian sugarcane.
    • BMP adoption: what’s the economic impact? 

      Unknown author (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2018)
      Adrian Darveniza has implemented a range of new practices as part of Smarcane BMP adoption, with these the subject of a recent economic analysis