Now showing items 301-320 of 450

    • Tracing the origins of ratoon stunting disease (RSD) of sugarcane 

      Unknown author (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2016)
      Senior Research Fellow, Centre for Crop Health, University of Southern Queensland, Anthony Young, used an SRA Travel and Learning Award to visit the Indonesian Sugar Research Institute (ISRI), East Java, in August 2016. ...
    • How effective is your fallow? 

      Rodman, G (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2016)
      A successful crop cycle starts with the fallow. A well-managed fallow is one of the keys to a profitable crop cycle. In this article, SRA Adoption Officer Gavin Rodman, Tully, looks at the key aspects of a fallow which ...
    • Positive performance sets 2016 as a year to remember 

      Unknown author (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2016)
      The 2016 season is shaping up as positive for sugarcane grower Bruce Davies. Bruce Davies started his farming career in 1993, and in those 23 years of farming he can't recall many years like 2016 when good yields have lined ...
    • Peanut rotation lifts marginal soil production at Bundaberg 

      Pfeffer, B (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2016)
      The Loeskow family at Bundaberg is successfully using a peanut rotational crop to improve soil health and lift sugarcane production.
    • Solid yields and sugar for Rocky Point growers 

      Unknown author (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2016)
      Two good crops in 2015 and 2016 are showing the performance of sugarcane varieties for Rocky Point cane growers, although the region has had challenges in harvesting the crop
    • Harnessing cane's potential for animal feed 

      Unknown author (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2016)
      New value-adding research is looking at capturing the value of the sugarcane biomass and putting this into the context of other important competitive advantages that currently exist for the Australian sugarcane industry.
    • CLEAN team improving harvest efficiency at Isis 

      Pfeffer, B (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2016)
      A collaborative effort between the mill, growers, harvester operators and researchers is delivering productivity and profitability outcomes for the local industry at Isis. Isis mill Chief Field Officer Paul Nicol knows ...
    • On the hunt for improved NUE options 

      Pfeffer, B (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2016)
      A background in split fertiliser application in other industries has led Burdekin canegrower Chris Lyne to investigate enhanced efficiency fertilisers. Burdekin sugarcane grower Chris Lyne has seen record-breaking yields ...
    • On-ground work demonstrates harvesting efficiency at a regional level 

      Unknown author (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2016)
      SRA demonstration trials are continuing across the Australian industry, delivering information according to local requirements and helping to optimise harvesting efficiency. A series of demonstration trials over recent ...
    • Practice changes add up to significant efficiency gains 

      Unknown author (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2016)
      The Russo family at Isis is seeing big improvements to their harvesting efficiency this season after introducing a number of changes. Childers harvesting contractor Michael Russo is pleased to see big improvements to cane ...
    • Wecome to the Summer 2016 edition of CaneConnection 

      Pfeffer, B (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2016)
      This edition of your quarterly magazine once again updates you on the latest research and adoption activities occurring at SRA, as well as other important innovation that is occurring within the Australian sugarcane industry.
    • Plant breeding collaboration delivers industry-wide benefits 

      Pfeffer, B (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2016)
      The Burdekin breeding program continues to be enhanced by an ongoing collaboration in the region. A collaboration between Wilmar Sugar and SRA in the Burdekin is helping to boost the sugarcane breeding program in that ...
    • Q240(PBR) delivering solid results in the Burdekin 

      Unknown author (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2016)
      Burdekin grower Laurence Dal Santo is having positive results with the relatively new variety for the region, Q240(PBR).
    • New cane cleaning options may reduce cane fires in NSW 

      Unknown author (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2016)
      New research is hoping to provide innovative solutions that could greatly reduce the need for sugarcane burning in NSW, which is still commonly needed immediately before harvest in this region of the sugarcane industry.
    • New Biosecurity legislation implemented for Queensland 

      Reynolds, M (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2016)
      Queensland's new biosecurity regulation has come into effect, which has important implications for the Australian sugarcane industry
    • Digging down into the function of sugarcane roots 

      Pfeffer, B (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2016)
      A new project is looking at sugarcane roots in relation to genetics, environment, and management, and working toward important new information for the Australian sugarcane industry.
    • Variety management : a local industry approach 

      Shannon, G; Rodman, G (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2016)
      The Tully Vaiety Management group (TVMG) is a local industry initiative for promoting adoption of new varieties.
    • Research investigates options for soldier fly management 

      Pfeffer, B (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2016)
      Current research activity is looking at new options for soldier fly management, including both chemical trials and variety trials.
    • Controlled-release fertilisers: unravelling the mystery 

      Unknown author (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2016)
      Controlled-release fertilisers (CRFs) have been promoted as an option for reducing nitrogen losses, but a research project is confirming that it is crucial that applications be matched to the needs of the crop in order to ...
    • Pilot project looks at billet deterioration 

      Unknown author (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2016)
      A small-scale career-development project has investigated the use of hormones in relation to deterioration of sugarcane billets after harvest.