Now showing items 381-400 of 450

    • NCEA receives funding for smarter irrigation 

      Unknown author (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2015)
      Dr Joseph Foley and a team of National Centre for Engineering in Agriculture (NCEA) researchers have started working with 16 R&D partners and up to 19 farmer-managed learning sites in a $3.7 million Federal Government ...
    • SRA grower survey reveals industry trends 

      Unknown author (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2015)
      During June, SRA commissioned a market research company to conduct a survey of 400 members, evenly spread across all cane growing regions in Queensland and New South Wales.
    • SRA scientists preparing to combat foreign threats 

      Magarey, R (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2015)
      SRA scientists have recently received funding for research into exotic pest and disease threats in Indonesia and Papua New Guinea (PNG).
    • Sub soil amelioration produces above par results 

      Daly, K; Sartor, J (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2015)
      The adoption of sustainable soil health practices is vital to profitable sugarcane cropping and the long term viability of the industry.
    • Choosing the perfect parents 

      Unknown author (2015)
      While some people claim that you can tell how a woman will look in 20 years by looking at her mother, SRA researchers take a more rigorous approach to choosing breeding stock for their plant breeding program.
    • Sniffing out ratoon stunting disease 

      Unknown author (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2015)
      While is may not be quite as cute as a beagle, 'e-nose' technolgoy is proving to be effective at sniffing out things that shouldn't be there. In this case it's ratoon stunting disease (RSD) in sugarcane.
    • Welcome to the Winter edition of CaneConnection 

      Unknown author (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2015)
      You are reading a new look version of CaneConnection. This new format of the magazine brings together the latest information about how SRA is working for you into one handy location, combining articles on SRA-funded research ...
    • Getting the most from the crop 

      Unknown author (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2015)
      Harvesting losses are a multi-million dollar cost to the Australian sugar industry since mechanical harvesting began. This information could prevent thousands of tonnes of millable cane being left infield.
    • Quantifying benefits of harvest best practice in NSW 

      Unknown author (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2015)
      With in-field harvesting losses under the spotlight in New South Wales, industry members realised the best way to address the issue was to look at it from a whole of supply chain perspective.
    • Fallow management worth considering in dry years 

      Unknown author (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2015)
      After harvesting a final ratoon it can be tempting to plough the field out and go directly inot another cycle of sugarcane. This is not recommended, with the negative effects of continual cropping of sugarcane recognised ...
    • NUE: applying the right fertiliser in the right place at the right time 

      Unknown author (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2015)
      Those familiar with the SIX EASY STEPS nutrient management program will know that an important part of the process involves growers regularly reassessing their on-farm nutrient management plans.
    • Controlled release fertilisers under the microscope 

      Unknown author (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2015)
      New research being undertaken by CSIRO is putting controlled release fertilisers, and their potential role in the Australian sugarcane industry, under the microscope.
    • New SRA varieties approved this year 

      Unknown author (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2015)
      During April, the cane industry's Variety Approval Committees (VACs) in all regions of Queensland and NSW met to consider the release of new varieties in 2015 and to indentify varieties that should be targeted for maximum ...
    • CCS considerations for harvesting YCS cane 

      Billing, B (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2015)
      Many growers who are experiencing or have experienced Yellow Canopy Syndrome (YCS) in their sugarcane may have noticed the syndrome appears to impact sugar levels
    • Meeting the challenges of sugarcane breeding 

      Unknown author (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2015)
      Mike Cox's interest in plant breeding was raised during work experience with Dekalb Shand's plant breeding outfit in Tamworth.
    • Total research investment 

      Unknown author (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2015)
      Sugar Research Australia aims to invest in projects that will deliver real benefits on key issues for its investors.
    • Welcome to the Spring edition of CaneConnection 

      Unknown author (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2015)
      This magazine continues to provide an update on SRA-funded research that is occurring both within SRA and via our external research partners.
    • SRA optimises sugarcane variety selection with QCANESelectTM 

      Fletcher, R; Pfeffer, B (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2015)
      Optimising sugarcane variety selection for different soil types, environments and management targets will maximise productivity and profit for growers and millers.
    • Mill ash a key ingredient in managing clay soils 

      Unknown author (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2015)
      A grower-led project in the Herbert has shown that mill ash can deliver lasting soil improvement in heavy clay soils.
    • Why the right soil sample can make all the difference 

      Daly, K (Sugar Research Australia Limited, 2015)
      Soil sampling and analysis should be the foundation of all fertiliser programs. The way in which the samples are collected will have a significant influence on the results of the analysis.