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AuthorPatane, P
AuthorLanders, G
AuthorThompson, M
AuthorNothard, B
AuthorNorris, C
AuthorOlayemi, M
Date Accessioned2020-07-29
Date Available2020-07-29
AbstractHarvesting Best Practice (HBP) is predicated by two essential objectives: 1. Determining the critical point where harvesting losses can be minimised and delivered yields improved to achieve the best economic return for the grower and harvesting operation; and 2. Improved cane quality, which is determined by sound billet quality with an acceptable level of Extraneous Matter (EM). Despite significant research into the impact on harvested cane yields of higher harvester pour rates and fan speeds, use of HBP recommendations prior to the commencement of the adoption program across the industry was relatively low. Full HBP adoption across the Australian Sugarcane industry could substantially increase industry revenue with no necessity for horizontal expansion (increase in cane land).
PublisherSugar Research Australia Limited
Part of SeriesAdoption of practices to mitigate harvest losses : Final Report 2019/951
Part of Series1
TitleAdoption of practices to mitigate harvest losses : final report 2016/955

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  • Knowledge and technology transfer and adoption [55]
    Research outcomes: Research results and new technologies are communicated and transferred in an appropriate and timely manner across the industry value chain, supporting increased uptake of best-practice and innovative technology. A skilled advisory sector that drives the adoption of new technology. An industry knowledge base that incorporates and makes freely available the most up-to-date production methodologies to industry. Collaborative alliances, partnerships and networks that optimise synergies, integrate knowledge and share best-practices.

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