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AuthorMagarey, RC
Date Accessioned2020-08-24
Date Available2020-08-24
AbstractSugarcane streak mosaic (SCSM) caused by sugarcane streak mosaic virus (SCSMV) is a relatively recently recognised disease of sugarcane that is now widespread through S.E. Asia and widely infecting commercial crops, both in terms of incidence and in the percentage of plants infected within individual fields. Crop losses, though not spectacular in individual plants, is very significant since whole crops are very often affected meaning that accumulated smaller losses in individual plants leads to very significant losses for cane farmers. A number of aspects related to the disease were unknown at initiation of this research, including: distribution across Indonesia (Sumatera, Sulawesi, and the eastern archipelago); transmission mechanisms (mechanical or insects or planting material only); the epidemiology and speed of spread; crop resistance; sensitive, specific and cheap detection technologies; and an effective integrated disease management (IDM) strategy. All these points were addressed in associated research activities.
PublisherAustralian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR)
TitleIntegrated disease management of sugarcane streak mosaic in Indonesia : final report 2012/083

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  • Pest, disease and weed management [181]
    Research outcomes: A comprehensive RD&E program that addresses existing and emerging pests, diseases and weeds, allowing sugarcane growers to manage their crops efficiently with minimal environmental impacts. An enhanced industry capacity to deal with incursions of exotic pests, diseases and weeds.

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