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AuthorAllsopp, PG
AuthorCroft, B
AuthorFillols, E
Date Accessioned2021-02-19
Date Available2021-02-19
AbstractSugar Research Australia’s (SRA) investment in and management of a portfolio of RD&A projects that drive productivity, profitability and sustainability for the Australian sugarcane industry means that SRA is committed to setting the right targets, managing research investments to maximise the likelihood of success, and ensuring the delivery and adoption of project outcomes and impacts across the Australian sugarcane industry. SRA’s Key Focus Area 3 Pest, disease and weed management, aims to drive “Reduced or avoided yield losses and/or added input costs”. SRA commissioned a review of RD&A over the last 15 years that identifies emerging technology and best practice strategies for addressing pest, disease, weed and biosecurity threats in sugarcane. Published and unpublished project reports were reviewed.
PublisherSugar Research Australia Limited
TitleSituation analysis and opportunities for pest, disease and weed RD&A (including biosecurity) in Australian sugarcane : final report 2019/015

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This item appears in the following Collection(s)

  • Pest, disease and weed management [181]
    Research outcomes: A comprehensive RD&E program that addresses existing and emerging pests, diseases and weeds, allowing sugarcane growers to manage their crops efficiently with minimal environmental impacts. An enhanced industry capacity to deal with incursions of exotic pests, diseases and weeds.

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