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OrganisationNew South Wales Department of Primary Industries
OrganisationSouthern Cross University and Sunshine Sugar
OrganisationSugar Research Australia Limited
OrganisationDepartment of Agriculture, Water and the Environment
AuthorRust, J
AuthorVan Zwieten, L
AuthorRose, T
AuthorRose, M
AuthorMorris, S
AuthorBeattie, R
Date Accessioned2021-04-08
Date Available2021-04-08
PublisherSugar Research Australia Limited
Part of SeriesMore profit from nitrogen
Part of SeriesRural R&D for Profit Program
TitleImproved nitrogen use efficiency through accounting for deep soil and mineralisable N supply and deployment of EEF to better match crop N demand : final report RRDP1717

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This item appears in the following Collection(s)

  • Soil health and nutrient management [109]
    Research outcomes: Soil health is improved with a resulting positive impact on the environment and yield growth. Improved reputation and relationship between industry and environmental groups.

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