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OrganisationSugar Research Australia Limited
AuthorLenancker, P
AuthorLindsay, K
AuthorKhudhir, M
AuthorJennings, J
AuthorWard, A
AuthorPowell, K
Date Accessioned2021-05-27
Date Available2021-05-27
AbstractSoldier flies (Inopus flavus and I. rubriceps) are an economically damaging pest of sugarcane that can periodically cause major yield losses for some growers in central and southern Queensland. Larvae alter plant growth by feeding on roots. There is currently no insecticide registered for soldier flies.
Part of SeriesProceedings of the Australian Society of Sugar Cane Technologists, volume 42, 397, 2020
TitleSoldier fly management; insecticide efficacy and varietal tolerance in field trials : ASSCT poster paper
KeywordsInsecticides, varieties, feeding

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  • Pest, disease and weed management [181]
    Research outcomes: A comprehensive RD&E program that addresses existing and emerging pests, diseases and weeds, allowing sugarcane growers to manage their crops efficiently with minimal environmental impacts. An enhanced industry capacity to deal with incursions of exotic pests, diseases and weeds.

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