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AuthorSamson, PR
Date Accessioned2012-11-13
Date Available2012-11-13
AbstractThis project aimed to develop a method to detect wireworms in pre-plant fallows, thus allowing rational decisions to be made on whether or not to use insecticide for wireworm control at planting. Insecticide would be used only when wireworm populations exceeded the level required to cause economic loss.
Part of SeriesBSES Internal Report; 1997 No 877 Report SD97010
TitleRationalising insecticide use in the control of wireworms : SRDC final report BS102S

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  • Pest, disease and weed management [181]
    Research outcomes: A comprehensive RD&E program that addresses existing and emerging pests, diseases and weeds, allowing sugarcane growers to manage their crops efficiently with minimal environmental impacts. An enhanced industry capacity to deal with incursions of exotic pests, diseases and weeds.

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