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AuthorCox, J
Date Accessioned2012-11-13
Date Available2012-11-13
AbstractA project was undertaken to extend previously available productivity software tools. Using the end product of a previous project as a prototype, a new application was recreated in a different programming language. The new application enhanced the areas lacking in the previous version of the software, and increased the target user group considerably. Software titled PRODIV V2x was rewritten to manipulate productivity data. The software and manual was distributed to all interested extension and productivity centres. The new version of the software included previously available report options along with several new options useful for summarising the increased block parameters. These automated reports assist extension in collating and displaying aproductivity reports in an easy to comprehend format. All project objectives were achieved and the program is currently available for use in any mill area where the data are available. The project supervisor is continuing research within the productivity area and will utilise existing research in a new project.
Part of SeriesBSES Internal Report; 1997 No 898 Report SD98002; SRDC BSS128
SubjectKnowledge transfer
SubjectDatabase software development
SubjectBlock information
SubjectProductivity reports
TitleEnhanced Productivity Information to Improve Extension Programs and Research Data : final report BS128S

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This item appears in the following Collection(s)

  • Knowledge and technology transfer and adoption [55]
    Research outcomes: Research results and new technologies are communicated and transferred in an appropriate and timely manner across the industry value chain, supporting increased uptake of best-practice and innovative technology. A skilled advisory sector that drives the adoption of new technology. An industry knowledge base that incorporates and makes freely available the most up-to-date production methodologies to industry. Collaborative alliances, partnerships and networks that optimise synergies, integrate knowledge and share best-practices.

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