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OrganisationIsis Mill
AuthorPike, D
AuthorBroadfoot, R
AuthorKing, S
AuthorWoods, P
Date Accessioned2019-03-25
Date Available2019-03-25
AbstractIn Australian factories one operator typically manages the high grade fugalling, sugar drying and low grade (C) fugalling stations. The C fugals are managed least effectively as there is no process instrumentation to monitor on line C sugar purity or final molasses purity. Conditions can change rapidly in the C fugals without the operator being aware and poor performance can persist for several hours. Tight control of the C sugar purity is important to avoid high sucrose losses to final molasses or an excessive recycle of impurities in the C sugar (magma or remelt) to the pan stage.
PublisherSugar Research Australia Limited
Part of Series2018/201
TitleEvaluation of the Neltec Colour Q for measuring the purity of magma from C centrifugals : final report 2018/201
KeywordsC fugals, Neltec ColourQ 1700CC transducer, magma purity, financial analysis, pan stage, magma, remelt, isis mill, magma purity, massecuite temperature, fugal loads, feed/wash water temperature, spray water rate, silvortex,financial analysis

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  • Milling efficiency and technology [52]
    Research outcomes: Optimised mill transport and logistics. Mill capacity and efficiency is optimised through improved processes, technology and value chain coordination and collaboration.

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